Newsletter Issue #4 – November 2021
Development of Training Materials in Progress
In the first half of 2021, the professional background of the learning materials was established based on the findings of the O1 research. The competence profile was defined based on the research results and the ENTRECOMP framework and the Match-Making Tool was also developed, which is a key part of the developments of the training material. The second output consists of four key tasks and at this point, Task1 is finished and the rest of them are in progress.
Task1 – Deriving the learning outcomes: The Bounceback Team defined learning outcomes for the Training based on the “Intermediate” levels of the ENTRECOMP framework and incorporated the added values of the O1 research so a pool of learning outcomes was established. After this, an iteration process was used to adjust the list of possible learning outcomes to the methodology (MOOC) and the specialities of the Bounceback projects. In this progress, the backbone of the 3 training modules was created using learning outcomes and basic educational goals and concepts. In the end, the structure of the 3 modules was created.
Task 2 – Developing the BOUNCEBACK modules. In this task, we started the development of the three BOUNCEBACK modules that use the customized EntreComp framework for the needs of veteran athletes. The University of Pannonia is developing module 1 whereas MILITOS is developing modules 2 & 3. The development is based on agreements of the content breakdown of the modules into learning Units:
Module 1 – Before the games
The objective of Module 1 as an online training module is to make the learners (veteran athletes) aware of the links between their soft skills as acquired in their sports career with the professional skills needed in the labour market, businesses and the entrepreneurial world.
Unit 1. The MMT as an entry point to show them through their score (the spider graph) their indicative performance across the 7 axes vis-a-vis the Bounceback skills persona and the sector’s skills persona.
Unit 2. This Unit is about Career flexibility and what it means in terms of acquired skills and competencies in different settings (professional, life, experiences etc.), including examples.
Unit 3. This Unit is introducing the concept of Portfolio as an alternative way and tool to present in a visualized way, how soft skills and hard skills live side by side (Portfolio as a tool to manifest a competence persona).
Module 2 – Warming up! Entering the field
Unit 1: Ideas & Opportunities: Preparing for a new professional career
Unit 2: Mobilizing human and material resources
Module 3 – In the locker room
Unit 1: Getting into action
Unit 2: Taking stock of your learning achievements.
First transnational project meeting – held in person in Athens!
Bounceback project team. Athens, Greece, 27/09/2021
On the 27th of September the BounceBack team met up in Athens, Greece for their first face-to-face meeting since the beginning of the project. Despite numerous online meetings, work sessions and incredible progress in the project, the partners had still to meet one another in person as the pandemic had restricted travel.
With the objective of supporting athletes and boosting the integration of former athletes into employment, business and entrepreneurship, the partnership composed of the University of Pannonia (Hungary), Militos Consulting SA (Greece), R&DO Ltd (Cyprus), University & Student Athletics Club of Veszprem (Hungary), AEK (Greece) and SS Lazio Karate (Italy) worked on concluding the Intellectual Output 2 – Learning Materials and Platform and began the process of Intellectual Output 3 – Handbook and Pilot Training Sessions. Partners also discussed and agreed on joining to EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe.
The Bounceback project has been registered on EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe. EPALE is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers. Our 1st blog has been published and a Bounceback group has been created too. We will use it not only to build a professional community but also for dissemination purposes and to ensure sustainability.
Developing the BOUNCEBACK platform
This task consists of developing the BOUNCEBACK online platform. At this point the basis of the tasks needed to develop the platform is created and the needs of the content development is discussed. The platform will be designed and developed by RnDO and reviewed by all other partners in terms of its functionality. As the activities need to suit the available platform, careful consideration is needed to develop exercises and task that are doable. Continuous discussion is need between the partners in order to know what types of activities the platform can handle.
Developing the BOUNCEBACK MOOC
This task consists of the design and development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that will be integrated in the BOUNCEBACK platform. The MOOC will make the BOUNCEBACK learning materials available for e-learning without charge to all interested veteran athletes and stakeholders: anyone who decides to take the BOUNCEBACK MOOC will simply access the BOUNCEBACK platform, log on and sign up to receive the course. The MOOC will not simply provide the learning materials online, but will rather deliver them in a customized way appropriate for all the aspects of e-learning, such as course provision, assessment exercises & tests, development of graphics that facilitate e-learning. The MOOC also have two handbooks one for the participants and one for the trainer who is also provided by a guideline to help organizing the training in person if there is a need/motivation for that. At this point, the professional content is being created and the IT framework is under construction that will build up the MOOC.
Bounceback Athletes
Developing an innovative learning approach to facilitate the integration of veteran/retired athletes into employment, business and entrepreneurship